
Serving 100+ Universities and K-12 Schools Nationwide

Solutions for Higher Education and K-12 Schools

Student Safety

Schools are an important part of the infrastructure of communities, as they provide safe, supportive learning environments for students, employ teachers and other staff, and enable parents, guardians, and caregivers to work. Administration and school districts have to determine a plan to help mitigate the threat of Covid-19 virus to students. Instituting hygienic practices and acquiring the right type of fit and sizes of PPE for students of all ages, is an important initiative and long term plan that needs to be considered. Peach Medical has worked with over 20 school districts in providing consultations and PPE equipment.

Educator Safety

Teachers and all other administrative staff are much more at risk than the students they instruct. Taking into account of how important our educators are to the development of students, it is important that they receive the best PPE equipment available to protect themselves. Face Masks, Face Shields, Gloves, Sanitizer, Wipes, and infrared thermometers are several of the solutions we have equipped institutions with.

Long-Term Planning

As we progress into the 2021 school year and the threat of a second wave of Covid amongst us, School Systems need to consider a long-term supplier of all their PPE needs. Peach Medical can work with your team in making a long-term plan in-case of any shortages that may arise. Our production contracts have become a valuable solution in providing a peach of mind for teachers, administrators, students, and parents.


Larry Bowman, Superintendent
Woodside School District

“Children have especially suffered both in terms of education and socialization. Many have lost an entire year or more of in-person learning, and an entire age set is now lagging. Like many K-8 schools around the country, Woodside Elementary School has fought hard to stay open. Recently, though, in the midst of the Omicron spike, California passed a negative testing mandate for both kids and teachers to return to school. Within days of shutting down, we reached out to Peach Medical for help. Short-staffed with many COVID cases of their own, they jumped through hoops for us and supplied us with our first shipment over a holiday weekend.”